Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Libertarian Kevin Cherry will Be at the Georgia Organics Debate this Thursday

Monday, August 30, 2010
My Campaign Videos are being Listed on rushlimbaughsites.com!?!

There's Gonna Be a Atlanta Press Club Debate on GPB in October!

Que Camera 1.
Candidate Name: ___Shane Bruce______________________________________________
Seeking Office of: ____Commissioner of Insurance and Fire Safety_____________________________________________
Please provide information about your professional and educational background. Descriptions should be no more than 40 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
Examples: Chair, Boys & Girls Club of Colquitt Co. and JD, University of Georgia
1. BS Speech,
2. Officer, US Army Signal Corps 1982-1986_________________________________________________________
3. Libertarian Blogger and political activist 2008 to present______________________________________________________________
Please provide information about your platform. Again, descriptions should be no more than 40 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
Example: Support creation of charter schools
1. Fund the Georgia High Risk Pool by reallocating the 4.5% insurance premium tax.____________________________________________________________
2. Move
3. Hire additional Fire Safety Inspectors by sacking Oxendine’s political appointees.______________________________________________________________
Please provide information about your family background. Again, descriptions should be no more than 40 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
Example: Married to Mary Smith for 40 years
1. Married for 26 years to the incredibly tolerant Lisa Cranwell-Bruce. Proud father of 4 talented children on their way to adulthood. ______________________________________________________________
Libertarian Candidate for Lt Governor Dan Barber's Website is Up and Running

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hey, Hey, Hey, A State Elections Board Meeting is on the Way

VoterGa Supporters,
There will be a significant meeting of the State Election Board this Tuesday. During the opening public comments, you can speak for two minutes on verifiable voting, ballot access or any other topic if you get there before 10:00am and fill out a speaking request card. Your previous comments have been very helpful in showing that we have election integrity issues in Georgia. This may be the last SEB meeting before the November elections. I hope that some of you will be able to attend. I also expect to make a major announcement to inform the board about certain cases of election corruption during the public comments. If you can attend and don’t wish to speak I need one person to defer their time to me to complete my comments.
Thank You,
404 664-4044
The Office of the Secretary of State | ||
Brian P. Kemp |
| Wesley B. Tailor |
secretary of state | director of elections | |
Notice is hereby given that the Georgia State Election Board will conduct a public meeting on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in the Sloppy Floyd Building, 5th Floor, Room 512 West Tower, located at 2 MLK Jr. Drive SE, Atlanta, Georgia 30334. | ||
All interested parties are invited to attend. | ||
For meeting information, please visit the State Election Board website at www.gaseb.org. | ||
****************************** |
Saturday, August 28, 2010
What in Hell is Going on with Mary Squires Videos?
Democrat candidate for Insurance Commissioner Mary Squires gave a pretty good stump speech at the democrat convention in Athens and it's had 13 views since 20 AUG 10? What's wrong with that picture? It was a pretty good speech by democrat standards, that bit about being qualified for the State Fire Inpector because she went to NBC school was a stretch, but since I went to NBC school during my service career, I'm gonna have to give her a by on that.
All I remember about the course was counting rentgens and using field expedient methods to measure the size of the mushroom cloud to see if it was time to BOAKYAG or not. There wasn't a whole lot of info on fire sprinklers or building codes and stuff, but maybe she went to a longer course. Maybe not.
It's the 13 views I'm concerned about. Of the the 13 views, 3 of them came from the post I put up here on Bludgeon & Skewer on the 20th when Georgia Politico first released the video. It took me a while to find the copy because Georgia Politico used to be Georgia Liberal and must have changed the name to grab some extra hits on search phrases like that Paulding Pundit guy. Jeeze Louise, I put up a flippy of Libertarian Kevin Cherry's son, Andrew, endorsing his dad and it's got 44 downloads since the 22nd.
You democrats need to step up and support your candidate and watch her damn stump speech. It's the polite thing to do. If you don't, then Ralphie is gonna win clean even after I take 15% out of his hide in the general and you don't want that. I don't want that either but I'm sure that Ralphie wouldn't mind.
I know she can't win, it's republican year in a republican state and Ralph's got all the money insurance industry lobbyists and owners can legally shovel into his war chest not to mention $8 million bucks of his own, but how about giving it the old college try democrats. It's not like it's costing you aything except 6:43 of your life you'll never get back.
So watch Mary's video and be quick about it.
Friday, August 27, 2010
A Salute to Libertarian Rhonda Martini
We have a new member of the Libertarian Ticket this fall. Our original candidate for Lt Governor, Rhonda Martini, was faced with the difficult choice of continuing her candidacy and forgetting about a member of her family or getting out of the race and focusing on whats important. I believe she made the correct choice.
Politics is politics and family is family. Politics are transient while our families form the foundations of who and what we are. Rhonda has been a Georgia Libertarian party stalwart and was instrumental in making sure that the Libertarian party ticket came together this year and got all 10 candidates on the ballot. That would not have happened without her, she truly made history with own two hands.
That she is not a traditional politician is an understatement. We all watched our republican and democrat brothers and sisters eviscerate each other during the primary season. They are true examples of what the lust for political power will cause a supposedly sane person to do and say to gain it. Can you imagine Casey Cagle or Nathan Deal making the same decision as Rhonda? I can not.
So a 21 gun salute to you Rhonda. I know you'll be around the campaign trail as the fall progresses, just not as much as I would have liked. Know that you have been instrumental in moving Liberty in Georgia closer to the goal line and that contibution is invaluable.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Listen to Libertarian Candidate for US Senate Chuck Donovan on Liberty Talk Radio Tomorrow

Libertarian Candidate for Superintendent of Schools Kira Willis is in The News Again

Although I have been against receiving RT3 funds, we now must face the fact that they are here for four years. It is not a lot of money (one percent of our budget), but here’s what we can do with it: we can use it to fund innovation in education. I will vehemently and actively oppose any “created positions” that take more funds from our schools and from our kids. The last thing we need is to put another tier into the GADOE or into the local counties of Georgia.
Most of us who have been in education know that alternative tracks toward graduation is not a new concept, but it is a concept that we can sink our teeth into and give more students more opportunities for success. As State School Superintendent, my plan will be to afford local counties the freedom to give their students more avenues toward graduation. I will encourage them to find ways to ensure academic success for all of their students, not just the ones who plan on attending university. This could include an agricultural school, a computer technical track, a culinary arts track, or an arts diploma. True innovation in education means meeting the needs of each individual student. Innovation also means implementing real school choice for our children by opening more charter schools or simply allowing students to attend any school that they wish to attend.
As our RT3 application states, we will promote innovation. Local counties will have the ability to take the invitation to be creative and run with it. I will not create more administrative positions at the state and county levels.
When the money runs out, and it will, the schools that are successful with their improvements will have my recommendation to continue with their programs. This will help us to analyze how we can even further advance education for our children without keeping positions that will no longer be funded by the Race to the Top Grant.
You can check out her opponents boilerplate responses by heading over to the Get Schooled blog for yourself. Three short paragraphs of nothing are three short paragraphs of nothing, but republican Barge gets brownie points for flinging a good sized cowpie at democrat Martin.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Libertarian Candidate for US Senate Receives Stirring Endorsement

“As one with whom I flew, Chuck, ‘had my back’ years ago; today he "has the backs" of the people of Georgia. No better individual could be on your side in times like these when the going is toughest.”
“Twenty five years ago Chuck Donovan swore before me ‘ ... to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic ... !’ He has never disappointed that oath ... or me.”
“I commend him as one who'll absolutely ‘do Georgia proud’ in representing the great state in the nation's capital. Selfless, unwavering in moral courage - Chuck Donovan isn't going to apologize for standing strong in defense of all we hold dear in America. Defending our Constitution, Chuck will be-as he was for me - Georgia's wingman. Every fighter pilot will tell you; you trust your life to your wingman. I did. Georgia should. Chuck is all that ... and more.”
Libertarian David Chastain 1, democrat Sinkfield 0, republican Kemp 0

On January 4, 2010 Gov. Perdue appointed former state senator, Brian Kemp, as Secretary of State (SOS) after Karen Handel resigned and Jim Cole withdrew from consideration. Brian immediately stated: "I will continue the honorable tradition of leadership demonstrated by Karen Handel, Cathy Cox, Lewis Massey, and others before them.” Cathy Cox acquired $54 million in voting machines that did not have an independent audit trail of the votes cast as required by law. (O.C.G.A. 21-2-301(b) of the 2001 GA Election Code) Her former boss, Lewis Massey, profited from that sale as the lobbyist for the equipment vendor, Diebold Elections Systems. Karen Handel reversed her position and supported the machines while receiving $25,000 in donations from people connected to the lobbying firm, Massey & Bowers. She also received untold thousands of dollars more in indirect contributions raised by their former partner Rob Simms, who she appointed as her deputy and campaign finance manager. Is this the tradition Georgians need?
On February 6 in the SOS debate at the Georgia Christian Alliance (GCA), Brian Kemp was asked what he would do if the legislature introduced a bill to replace the unverifiable voting machines. He replied: “Now If they want to, I would be ready to lead the charge… “On February 20, Tim Bearden introduced a bi-partisan bill with Karla Drenner to implement verifiable optical scan voting in Georgia. On February 22, Brian Kemp completely reversed his position when the AJC’s Jim Galloway asked him about the HB1215 bill. He refused to support it, stating that it “would be too much of a financial burden” even though his Elections Division had done no cost benefit analysis of the savings that optical scan equipment would have provided the state and its counties.
In early February, two Republican sponsored ballot access bills were introduced in the General Assembly and on March 1, Jason Pye asked Brian Kemp about them during an interview. He replied: “I haven’t even looked at those bills.” By March 18, four more ballot access bills were introduced, including two bi-partisan bills that would remove petitioning requirements throughout Georgia just as Florida did in 1999. Brian Kemp never supported any of them, thus thwarting all of them from getting hearings in the House Governmental Affairs Committee. http://www.jasonpye.com/blog/
Brian Kemp consistently protected officials involved in the most serious of election fraud cases. In SEB case 2008-000133, a Lowndes Co. election official forced 947 test ballots into the actual 2008 totals, failed to reconcile those totals with the poll book totals to detect the discrepancy and blamed a voting machine technician when the state found out she certified incorrect results. In SEB case 2008-000136, a Douglas Co. Election Board member took home the 2008 election results overnight in a spreadsheet for manipulation, brought them back the next day and ordered a Diebold contractor to enter them into the county server before results were certified. Brian Kemp did not ensure that these officials were charged, or fined when the related cases were heard so they are free to count your votes again in November.
In March of 2010, the General Assembly filed impeachment articles against Kemp’s Inspector General (IG),Shawn LaGrua, for improperly handled investigations. On April 6, Walter Jones of Morris News, writing for the Florida Times Tribune and Jacksonville.com, asked about the impeachment resolution and Kemp replied: ”The filing of this resolution is a complete waste of the General Assembly’s time and Georgia taxpayers’ money.” Please read the details and tell me how any honest, unbiased, official could reach that conclusion.http://www.legis.ga.gov/legis/
Georganna Sinkfield handily won the Democratic primary run-off over Gail Buckner who was the only person in the entire legislature on record as opposing all 2006 statewide verifiable voting and precinct audit initiatives. I gladly helped her team with a debate question she used during her successful runoff bid just as I did for Darryl Hicks in 2006. I also came to her defense by exposing Michael Mills’ falsehoods when he claimed that she did not state his position on ballot access correctly in the primary debate. I will gladly help her team again if she wants but it is important to know that Georganna entered the SOS race at the last minute without a platform, web site or command of issues regarding the SOS office. When interviewed by Atlanta Progressive News (APN) in June, her answers were so weak that the board endorsed Gail Buckner in the run-off even though she voted against Karla Drenner’s 2006 SB500 audit restoration amendment and Georganna voted for it. http://www.
During her APN interview, when Georganna was asked about the current voting equipment she replied: “I don't know of anything wrong with the current machines. Before we had the present machines we always had problems. We didn't have uniformity, and now we do.” She also stated that to replace the machines “the cost would be 100 million dollars” even though the cost would actually be about a third of that and the equipment could save millions of dollars annually in testing, certification, logistics and training. This may explain why she has not sponsored a bill to restore verifiable voting in Georgia.
When APN asked about the 2010 bi-partisan optical scan voting legislation introduced by Tim Bearden and Karla Drenner, Georganna was unaware of it. APN explicitly asked: “DID YOU SUPPORT HB 1215 IN THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE TO GET OPTICAL SCAN MACHINES AND ELIMINATE DRE'S?” Georganna replied: “I don't remember it [the bill]” That comprehensive bill had been introduced four months earlier and it was mentioned on the Atlanta Journal Constitution web site. How could a highly experienced legislator running for Secretary of State not know about such a critical piece of elections legislation if she is committed to open and fair elections?
When APN asked: “Do you know about the blank votes in the Cobb County SPLOST?” Georganna replied: “No.” In that contest, 285 blank voted ballots were cast although the referendum was the only item on the ballot. It was decided by only 114 votes out of 39,780 votes cast. Over 800 million in new taxes were assessed, the majority being paid by Cobb residents. The contest was plagued by unexplained modem transmission difficulties, reporting delays and a shift in preliminary results that took the SPLOST from apparent defeat to a razor thin victory. Each of Georganna’s primary opponents had commented on the SPLOST in interviews previously published on the APN website so she has no excuse for not knowing. (SPLOST- Special Purpose Local Option Tax)
While strongly claiming that she is for removing Georgia’s archaic 1943 petitioning requirements, Georganna has never introduced a bill in her 28 year career to do so. If she was unwilling to attempt to correct the problem in 28 years why would anyone be naĂ¯ve enough to believe she would do so now?
In the fight for impartial investigations, Georganna has been absent without leave (AWOL). I have never seen her present at any State Election Board (SEB) meeting in the last couple of years while we have been fighting for verifiable voting and consistent treatment of all citizens during election investigations.
David Chastain, the former Executive Director of the Libertarian Party, is also on the ballot for Secretary of State in November. He was the leading Libertarian vote getter in 2006 as an Education Secretary candidate and actually received more votes than Georganna and Brian did in their respective local General Assembly races. Presently he is a Senior Logistics Management Analyst in the defense industry.
David has been working to get ballot access for independent candidates for years. In March of 2010, he wrote an open public letter to Speaker of the House, David Ralston, in support of HB1257. He was also on the ballot access team that reviewed and helped draft HB1425. Both of these bi-partisan bills, introduced in the 2010 session, would have removed petitioning requirements in Georgia just as Florida did successfully in 1999. Neither of the bills got a hearing because Secretary Kemp did not support them.
David has also been working to restore verifiable voting for about five years. Just this year, he supported the HB1215 bill opposed by Secretary Kemp who contended that “the machines are trustworthy.” at the February 6 GCA debate. David Chastain stunned the secretary in his opening statement at the same debate when he asked the audience: “I would like to see a show of hands as to how many people think that the Diebold voting machines are accurately recording all of your votes?” In a full auditorium of about 300 people, NO ONE RAISED THEIR HANDS!
David provided most of the research into the dubious Cobb SPLOST referendum, one of several election controversies that still swirl around our current unverifiable voting equipment. In January, he explained some of the well known abnormalities at one of the State Election Board meetings he attended. Shortly after that, the Inspector General, Shawn LaGrua, opened an investigation without contacting him and then shut it down after claiming everything was in order. In October when he found out, David replied to the board with a list of his questions that were never answered. He was also one of three people who filed a complaint to the Georgia State Inspector General about improperly handled investigations in voting machine related cases. http://www.voterga.org/more/
The State IG subsequently ruled that the techniques of an investigator were not within their domain of scope for the office. The State IG was later forced to recuse herself from investigations regarding voting machines because her husband was a partner in the same law firm with Michael Bowers, father of the co-founder Massey & Bowers, the voting machine vendor lobbyist. The complaints, including the one filed by David Chastain, eventually became the subject of some of the impeachment articles filed in the Georgia General Assembly against Shawn LaGrua, who was protected by Secretary Kemp.
The facts demonstrate that David Chastain has done everything within his power to further the cause of verifiable voting for Georgians, open ballot access for all candidates and impartial investigations that are free of influence from lobbyists and political motivations. He has done all of this as a volunteer without receiving a dime of taxpayer money. His opponents have taken no substantive action on any of these matters in their entire legislative careers all the while operating at the expense of the Georgia taxpayers. Worse yet, the current Secretary of State even helped prevent volunteer efforts on these causes from being successful.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Libertarian Taylor Bryant Lays Out the Plan for Augusta Schools

We, as a county, are at a turning point in our history. We have always been a force to be reckoned with in the industrialized south, being centralized from Atlanta air hubs and coastal ports in Charleston and Savannah. Our transportation infrastructure, rail and Interstate, provide the means to get goods and raw materials in and out of the area. We have low cost real estate and sprawling areas of land easily converted to factory space.
So why isn't Augusta, GA considered an industry powerhouse?
In my belief, we have less to offer due to not having a well trained workforce able to meet the hands on requirements that industry wants. We have great secondary education colleges to provide this type of training. Fine examples are Augusta Tech and Aiken Tech. We are simply missing a link between the last years of High School, and the first years of Technical training.
We, as a whole, have to bring ourselves to the conclusion that not every person in school will find themselves in a four year institution. This is not a bad thing, as I have proven in my long career as a European auto technician. Without my skills I learned in High School, Tech School, and on the job training, I'm not sure where I would be right now. There are people out there like me without guidance, and they are slipping trough the cracks.
My plans are to find students that are not planning to attend a four year program and provide them links to technical, clerical, or vocational training. This could be started in 10th grade, negating the dropout rate and giving kids something to shoot for.
We must include outside agencies, such as factories, unions, job placement companies, and non-profits in our plans. We have after school programs now for children such as Jessee Norman School of Arts to teach music, art, and dance. I would love to see an after school program so kids could learn welding, electronics, auto repair, and HVAC repair provided by a nonprofit.
Ideas like this will send a clear message to industries that we are open for business and lower our dropout rate. We need productive citizens, and this is yet another tool in increasing that outcome.
Libertarian John Monds will Speak at Monday's NBMBAA Forum in Atlanta

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Liberarian Candidate for Insurance Commissioner Shane Bruce goes Politickin' at the Georgia Carry Convention

Savannah Morning News Runoff scenario looms in tight governor's race
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Libertarian John Monds was Included in the Latest WSB/Insider advantage Poll

Bludgeon & Skewer
August 19th, 2010
7:22 pm
Greetings All,
Epic News isn’t it? A poll for the Georgia Governors race has been released that includes the Libertarian Candidate John Monds! That has never happened before, it is simply historical. And the icing on the cake is that John is already polling at 5% with a massive 9% of respondents still undecided. 14% of Georgians are saying that the same old same old republican and democrat candidates just ain’t gonna cut it anymore.
That’s great news for Liberty folks. And bad news for our brothers and sisters marooned over there in republican/democrat land. The fall is still quite a ways off and there is still time for you consider who’ll you will cast your ballot for this time around. Will you waste your vote on Nathan Deal or Roy Barnes or will you look to the future and cast your vote for Liberty?
Vote for Smaller Government, Lower Taxes and More Freedom! Vote for Libertarian John Monds for Governor of Georgia!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Liberty Talk Blog, Check it out

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Stirrin' the Pot over at the InsuranceJournal.Com

Monday, August 16, 2010
The DeKalb Affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Georgia Meets Tomorrow

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Stirrin' the Pot for Libertarian John Monds

Libertarian Taylor Bryant Picks up Some Major Earned Media

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Libertarian Candidate for US Senate Chuck Donovan Discusses the "Wasted Vote" Syndrome
Libertarian Candidate for Secretary of State David Chastain will be at The Thirsty Dog Tavern this Sunday

Please mark your calendar now and plan to attend the first campaign event for David Chastain's campaign for Georgia Secretary of State this Sunday afternoon, August 15th, @ 4PM. Help us raise the much needed funds to take our message of Integrity, Independence and Impartiality throughout Georgia. Also, I hope you will come sign up to volunteer.
Come enjoy hot appetizers and cash bar, learn about our campaign plans, sign up to volunteer and help us rally our resources to elect the first Libertarian Secretary of State in Georgia. Suggested Donation $25.00.
It's all happening at the Thirsty Dog Tavern, 2110 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta, GA