God bless Google.
How else would an average Joe like me be able to find out what's going on in the myriad of publications servicing the Insurance industry if they didn't exist? There's a rather mundane article over at the InsuranceJournal.com that gave a standard recap of the state of the race post run-off and, lo and behold, no comments!
Not any more. Head over and take a peek, leave some breadcrumbs and on to the next. Here's my contribution:
Greetings All,
I note with interest your short article on the state of the race for Insurance Commissioner here in Georgia. Brief and to the point, it has one glaring omission.
My name is Shane Bruce and I am the Libertarian Citizen Politician who is also running for this office this fall. I and all 10 of the Libertarian Candidates for Statewide office in Georgia this year will be pounding the drum for Liberty and we will be heard. Are there problems at the Office of the Insurance Commissioner? Certainly. Do republican Ralph Hudgens or democrat Mary Squires offer any tangible change? Certainly not. They are the vanguard of the same old same old and if either of the two win, Georgia will continue to suffer from extravagant auto insurance rates (8th highest in the USA), total disregard for those Georgians saddled with "pre-existing" medical conditions and other outrages.
I have sworn an oath to not accept any campaign donations from people who work in any of the industries regulated by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner and have challenged my opponents to follow suit. I am confident they will not.
If any of your readership would like to know more about this important race in Georgia, feel free to contact me.
Shane Bruce
Libertarian Candidate for Insurance Commissioner
How can you be contacted other than this blog?
ReplyDeleteTry "thesocietyforprofit@gmail.com"