Que Camera 1.
Candidate Name: ___Shane Bruce______________________________________________
Seeking Office of: ____Commissioner of Insurance and Fire Safety_____________________________________________
Please provide information about your professional and educational background. Descriptions should be no more than 40 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
Examples: Chair, Boys & Girls Club of Colquitt Co. and JD, University of Georgia
1. BS Speech,
2. Officer, US Army Signal Corps 1982-1986_________________________________________________________
3. Libertarian Blogger and political activist 2008 to present______________________________________________________________
Please provide information about your platform. Again, descriptions should be no more than 40 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
Example: Support creation of charter schools
1. Fund the Georgia High Risk Pool by reallocating the 4.5% insurance premium tax.____________________________________________________________
2. Move
3. Hire additional Fire Safety Inspectors by sacking Oxendine’s political appointees.______________________________________________________________
Please provide information about your family background. Again, descriptions should be no more than 40 characters, including spaces and punctuation.
Example: Married to Mary Smith for 40 years
1. Married for 26 years to the incredibly tolerant Lisa Cranwell-Bruce. Proud father of 4 talented children on their way to adulthood. ______________________________________________________________
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