Do what the sign says.
Who's the hardest working candidate in DeKalb County? Micheal Rothenberg. Who's covered more ground and talked to the most people in DeKalb County? Micheal Rothenberg. Who should be DeKalb County's next Superior Court Judge? Micheal Rothenberg.
It really is that simple folks, I first met Micheal at the only forum for the special election for State Senate District 42 way back in March of 2010 and he was actively campaigning even then. He was kind enough to come by several DeKalb LP meetings and was able to withstand a severe grillin' from our merry band of malcontents as well as pick up a few votes. Like mine.
I'm heading to the polls tomorrow like I always do to discharge my civic duty and I urge each and every one of you to do likewise. And while you're there defending the republic and all, cast your ballot for Micheal Rothenberg for Superior Court Judge!
Last week, Rusty Kidd, Georgia’s only independent state legislator, was re-elected. He faced one opponent, a Democrat. Kidd won 57.3%-42.7%. Kidd was the only independent who was able to qualify for either house of the Georgia legislature by petition this year.
On November 5, Kidd was hospitalized because a small bone in his neck was broken, but he is expected to be back at work well before the session opens. He has been in a wheelchair for the past decade because of a past motorcycle accident.
Kidd is the son of Senator Culver Kidd, who is no longer living. Senator Kidd was the author of the 1986 Georgia ballot access reform bill that lowered the statewide petitions from 2.5% of the number of registered voters, to 1%, and also provided that parties that poll at least 1% of the number of registered voters for any statewide race are ballot-qualified for all statewide offices. It is because of Senator Kidd’s 1986 bill that the Georgia Libertarian Party has been on the ballot for the statewide offices, with no petitioning needed (except for the party’s initial petition in 1988), for over twenty years.
Also note that Rusty Kidd is our only Independent rep, and he was the only independent to survive the petitioning process that claimed 8 other victims prior to this years elections. Granted, he was a sitting rep with long service to his constituency, things that did not hurt his efforts at election. The reality is that he made the petitioning system work.
With all the party switching going on as democrats jump ship and head for supposedly safe water in the republican camp, perhaps some of the 100,000+ Libertarians in Georgia should petition Representative Kidd to jump from IndependantLand over to LibertyLand. Libertarian Rusty Kidd has a nice ring to it!