Sunday, February 14, 2010

Libertarian David Chastain gets Facetime on Ray McBerry's TV Show!

Hey Kids,

Libertarian Candidate for Secretary of State David Chastain did a TV interview on republican candidate for Governor Ray McBerry's "The Agenda" TV show last Thursday. The show can be seen on Charter Communications channel 22 for those of you who reside on the south side of metro Atlanta starting on the 15th. Check your channel listings for playtimes and watch David discuss opportunities for change in the SecState's office, ballot access and the state of David's campaign.

The interview should be up at YouTube in about a week or so. Once the interview moves to internet distribution we'll link to it here so you can see the whole thing for yourself. You can also slide over to the SBN website and poke around for yourself, here's the address:

Kudos to Ray McBerry for interviewing David, it's nice to see the political discussion opened up to include all the participants irregardless of their monetary standing in their respective races. Perhaps the crew over at Beacon Communications might want to re-look their cash driven policies on their next debate and have ALL the candidates on the forum.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post - and spot on about the Beacon. Shame on them for their exclusionary tactics. We are looking forward to meeting David at our group soon :) It's time for people to take themselves out of the little boxes they've been living in and open up their minds to the possibilities out there....
