We're sad to report that our efforts to find a liberty loving individual way out there in State House District 19 in Paulding county have yet to bear fruit. We've talked to a few folks, actually found one guy who want's to run but is shy of the district line by a couple of blocks and listened for about a half hour to another guy who has a UFO landing zone in his backyard. He's even got pictures!
And while we were talking to UFO man, another republican up and joined the race with the mysterious Mr. Daniel Stout and Mr Ronnie Sibley and she's a girl! Ms. Paulette Braddock mailed in her DOI and has declared for the 19th. Since she's already got a website, prior campaign experience, prior elected experience and is pretty easy on the eyes, we're ranking her as the top contender. See for yourself.

The now crowded field of republicans is moving along the campaign trail and might be taking part in a Saturday morning meeting of the Paulding County Republican Women over at Republican HQ in Dallas at 10:00AM. If any of you are intimidated by the idea that politicians are special, maybe you should slide over and take a look-see for yourself. The bar is not that high and now that there are three republican candidates to split the vote, a rockin' Libertarian candidate could win!
Once again, time is really running out, the SecState will open qualifying on Monday and promptly close it on Wednesday. That means any interested party will have to cowboy up over the weekend and get busy. So if any of the readership knows of anybody the lives in State House District 19 that wants a crack at a pretty good part time gig down to the State House, get in touch. Leave a comment, send an email. We will get back to you.
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