Monday, November 14, 2011

Some Ideas for Upgrading Georgia's Park System

Hot off the presses from the mighty. mighty AJC kids!

Looks like the overall revenue shortage here in Georgia has forced the state to cut back on funding for our state parks. Please note that the programs that privatize the interstates via "toll" lanes get all the moola they want and yet the citizenry is summarily restricted from reasonable access to lands we all own. 

As a Rogue Libertarian (RL) I quite like the ideas put forth in the article by K. Torres concerning an expansion of activities at our various state parks and dare to offer some options for consideration.  

Moonshine Park - As the illustration above indicates, simple backwoods distilleries might be a huge draw for state park visitors. I'm not talking about some stale mock-up of one of the stills of yore and a gift shop filled with collectibles from the Peoples Republic of China. I'm talking about 20 or 30 fully operational 200 freakin' gallon a day whiskey stills each sited on it's own particular branch in it's own particular hollow with it's own particular blend of white lightin'.  These are not one man operations and would require trained, skilled and dedicated crews to operate them, a positive side effect for our state's economy in these dreary economic times. The biggest obstacle to creating a park of this type are numerous laws concerning the manufacture of distilled spirits at the local, state and federal level that work in concert to remind us all that we are the property of the state. Would be fun though!

Refugee Park - This killer concept would draw out of state tourists, especially from the industrial northeast where conditions are reportedly worse than daily life would be at this camp. Limited rations, no running water and sanitary facilities that would be described as horrific add to the cachet this specialty camp offers. Consider it a chance for us soft Americans to suffer the slings and arrows that afflict some 2 billion inhabitants elsewhere on this planet for a paltry $500 weekly family rate and the prospect of  getting the hell out of there at weeks end. If they open the gates like they promised.

OWS Camp - This might be chance to capitalize on the OWS movement by converting under utilized state property like the parking garage next to the Sloppy Floyd Building into a state park for the transient members of the Occupy crowd. It's difficult to calculate a daily or weekly rate for these stalwart protesters but if there are signs indicating that free weed, free beer and scandalous females are inside said parking deck, turn out might be extreme. Add in the benefit of reducing traffic obstructions and you have a winner!

Cannon Camp - This operation would be ideally suited for state properties below the gnat line where industry is scarce, flat lands abound and the steady drum 6 pound Napoleons would not disturb the locals. Visualize a camp where you could get trained to load, aim and fire a variety of ordnance from giant siege guns to the legendary French 75. Not the least expensive camp in the state system, but  distinct in the nation!

This list could go on and on and is limited only by the imagination of the readership. Single issue activist camps, End of the World next Wednesday  (EOTWNW) camps and host of others are possible. 

But not very damn likely.

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