Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hey, Hey, Hey, Libertarian Allen Buckley Made the AJC Today!

This guy is a champion.

Breaking news here in LibertyLand, Allen Buckley got an op-ed published over to the mighty, mighty, AJC on the ever popular topic of budget cutting and financial sustainability. It can't compete with other hot news like Tiny Tim Echols lame attempt to score some Masters tickets, but that ain't Allen's style.

He's always been a substance guy. He eats, lives and breathes this financial stuff and if you listen to him long enough you will learn something about the future our Republic has in store for it.

So check out his work over at the AJC and then spend a few seconds to Google some of his other stuff. Then you can scratch your head and join me in a general lament that we could have had him as our US Senator, but the republican minority crammed Saxby down our throats.

Time to get off the couch and vote kids.

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