Wasted Votes, Baby, Wasted Votes!
Libertarian Chuck Donovan was extensively quoted by NorthGeorgiaPolitics.Com yesterday on the "Wasted Vote" Syndrome. We Libertarians often hear about this as well as the "Lesser of Two Evils" mantra from our republican and democrat friends as major reasons to not vote for Libertarian candidates for office. These maladies affect large swaths of the voting public in every campaign cycle and this year is no exception.
The Georgia blog-o-sphere is awash with those two phrases as the primary run offs trudge to their inevitable conclusion and are now being deployed as sufficient reason to vote for or against Nathan Deal, Karen Handel, Ralph Hudgens, Maria Sheffield and a ever smaller host of other politicians looking to be the one this fall.
From the interview:
“People keep asking me about wasted votes” says Chuck Donovan. “I ask them if they voted Republican, did they get what they voted for? Has your representation been fiscally responsible? Did they balance the budget?”
“Voting Republican or Democrat time and time again are the only wasted votes I know of. Neither party has delivered no matter how many times they say they will. It’s time to give Libertarians a chance.”
Rodger That Chuck!
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