Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's Super-Mega-Uber Official, The Libertarian Statewide Candidates Have Qualified!

It's get real time.

The deed is done, the forms have been filled out and signed and the man has his money. I am now super-mega-uber qualified in the eyes of the state to be the next Commissioner of Insurance in Georgia. That beggars the question of if I'll make the cut in the eyes of the voters, but only time will tell on that question. While we're waiting for November, I'm gonna put on the Candidate hat and put it to the readership straight. I need your support in the form of volunteers and I need your support in the form of cash.

Like fellow Libertarian Jason Pye has observed, campaigns don't run on Pixie Dust, Unicorns and Rainbows. They run on sweat and cash. Sweat I got plenty of, cash I need. You'll have some more options to donate either of those two items to this campaign in the ensuing weeks. In the meantime, please visit my FaceBook Political page and join in the fun and be sure to check out the FaceBook pages of my fellow Libertarians as we make history for Liberty in Georgia this year.

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