Here's Todays Bit-O-Fun!
The fine folks over at the Associated Press were evidently practicing for todays Special Elections here in Georgia and put up this test report yesterday. The big theoretical news is that no one bothered to vote in the 42nd. Not even the candidates!
Finally, a political race with 100% participation.
Let's hope the AP projections for the 49th hold water. From the AP UnStory:
0 of 50 precincts - 0 percent
Jason Carter, Dem 0 - 0 percent
David Montane, Lib 0 - 0 percent
Steve Patrick, Ind 0 - 0 percent
Tom Stubbs, Dem 0 - 0 percent
47 of 47 precincts - 100 percent
Butch Miller, GOP 15,871 - 38 percent
Jimmy Norman, GOP 14,200 - 34 percent
Brandon Givens, Lib 11,695 - 28 percent
Todays the day folks, get out and vote!
If even 8,000 people vote in the 47th today, I'll be stunned.