Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Current Market Price of a Georgia State Senate Seat: $148,000!

Hi Kids,

Just in from the Augusta Chronicle, Hardie Davis and Harold Jones have raised and spent around $148,000 dollars between the two of them to finish the special election for State Senate District 22 over in Augusta. That's a dramatic escalation of the "normal" price of a State Senate seat in Georgia which usually runs about $40,000 for a successful campaign. Why the big jump in costs? Because Libertarian Taylor Bryant had the audacity to run in the race and he and his supporters caused a run-off.

The run-off voting is final today in Augusta and along about 9:00PM the race will get called. Who will win? Who cares, the Augusta democrat machine will have another player down to the capital and they will continue to play the game the same way they have for the last 20 years. Augusta will continue to suffer from the lack of effective leadership in the near term as it has in the past.

The bright spot for Georgia Libertarians is that we now know that there are dedicated Libertarians residing in State Senate District 22. Quite a few of them. They came out to vote on one of the coldest days of the year in Augusta for an unfunded, under supported Libertarian carrying the banner of Liberty and giving voice to the message of Smaller Government, Lower Taxes and More Freedom. And they accounted for a shade over 9% of the votes cast, that's about 200% more votes that the average Libertarian candidate draws in Georgia. Is this the beginning of a trend?

We'll be able to better answer that question after we finish the special election for State Senate District 42 in Decatur later this year. That race will set a new benchmark for the current market price for a State Senate seat in Georgia. Is it possible that it might jump to $250,000? Time will tell and we will see.

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