Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Libertarian Taylor Bryant Endorses Hardie Davis in the State Senate 22 Run Off!

Big News out of Augusta,

Johnny Edwards, a staff writer for the Augusta Chronicle has broken the news that Libertarian Taylor Bryant has issued an endorsement for democrat candidate Hardie Davis in the run off for the District 22 State Senate seat. Taylor is finishing up his first run for elected office the same he began. With class. A first rate, history making effort that has helped define the political landscape in Augusta and has given a new voice to the citizens of the 22nd District. Way to go Taylor!

Mr. Bryant's complete statement:

To all concerned:

This letter is to inform all of Augusta of my choice of endorsement for Senate District 22. We ran a very hard, lean, and productive campaign, but we have failed in our goal of victory. My only hope is that I have brought things to the table that otherwise would lay unaddressed, and have given the electorate a principled choice that they would not have had. I have no regrets, and we will keep pushing for change in legislation to promote freedom, socially and economically.

An endorsement from a Libertarian candidate is a rarity. due to our stance of "all or nothing" policies. I feel I need to stand and make a decision on who I would support. Make no mistake, my endorsement is from Taylor Bryant, not the Libertarian Party, its members, or affiliates. I have stood in front of all of Augusta and said I will be determined to work with other political parties, and not endorsing a candidate flies in the face of that statement. This was a difficult decision to make, but I feel as a potential leader, we are faced with much more than this on a daily basis.

It is my decision that Hardie Davis is the best remaining choice for this seat. He has shown me that his economic development plans and tax policies are more in line with mine. I have discussed several contradictions in his platform and mine, and I hope he will take those into consideration if and when elected.

Augusta should be proud of the four candidates. This was the cleanest race ran in recent memory. I have enjoyed talking to all of the candidates, and it has given me a broader view of my own political beliefs. We all want the same things for Augusta, we just have different methods to do it. I encourage more people to get involved in the process and even run for office. We can never have too many choices in leadership.
Thank you for all of the positive feedback in the past few weeks. I have learned so much, and hope to apply it in later endeavors.

Taylor Bryant

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