Saturday, June 19, 2010

Libertarian Candidate for State Superintendent of Schools Kira Willis gets coverage at the AJC's Get Schooled Blog

Major Earned Media Time Folks.

Libertarian Kira Willis breaks new ground for Libertarian politics in Georgia by successfully getting her positions aired at the mighty, mighty AJC. Way to go Kira!

Here are some snippets from the article:

The AJC asked Kira Willis, state school superintendent candidate, her views on four issues. (Her answers are part of a Sunday/Monday package in the AJC.)

1. How would you manage a mandated 10 percent cut in education spending?
2. How will you restore public confidence in test results?
3. Do you support vouchers for public education?
4. Do you support pay for performance for teachers?

Want to see the answers? Head over to the article and read for yourself. Then head over to Kira's website and slap that donate button silly.

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