Sunday, December 13, 2009

Taylor Bryant mentioned at Ballot Access News!

Update time,

I've been sliding around the internet and am pleased to see that Taylor Bryant is getting hits on search terms. I left some tracks over at Ballot Access News as shown below and will spread some more crumbs out there in the Blog-O-Sphere. All of you need to go to Taylor's website and drop a dollar on the man's donate button. Yard signs ain't cheap and this race will need plenty of 'em.

Greetings All,

Congratulations to Libertarian Taylor Bryant for throwing his hat in the ring for the impending Special Election in Georgia’s State Senate District 22 contest. The election will be held on 5 JAN 2010 and turn out can be expected to be low. In 2008 about 54,000 voters cast their ballots in the race that returned Senator Tarver to office in a landslide. What is truly interesting is the fact that Senator Tarver (D) won his first election in the 22nd as a result of a special election that was held after the democrat incumbent was sent to jail for tax evasion, mail fraud and conspiracy. In that special election, Senator Tarver won the day with 8,075 votes.

Taylor Bryant has a real chance of success in this race. As is typical of Libertarian efforts here in Georgia, Mr. Bryant is underfunded and under staffed and needs what ever support you can offer. We’ll be following this contest closely over at Bludgeon & Skewer because we think it will be a bell weather for our efforts in the other special elections soon to be held in Georgia.

State Senate District 42 will have one as soon as congress confirms Bundlin’ Dave Adelman as the new ambassador to Singapore and State House District 19 will have one as soon as Speaker Richardson resigns his office on 1 JAN 2010.

These Special Elections offer the Georgia Libertarian Party and other third party candidates a tremendous opportunity to compete in state level elections we are normally frozen out of due to our fair states Draconian 1943 Jim Crow Ballot Access Laws. It is important to note that the requirements for qualifying for these races are that the candidate be 25 years of age, has resided in the district for at least 12 months and can pony up the $400 filing fee. That’s it.

Good to see the story at Ballot Access News!

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